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Questions (3)
2024-03-10 16:30:04
Calling a boxed closure, does not require unstable. To call it, you simply use the standard calling syntax (i.e. a call expression) to call it. Boxed or not. It doesn't matter whether you have Fn() or...
Tags: pointers rust closures
2024-03-12 20:30:12
You can CAST the Sender Object as TImage (use IS operator for more security). Try something like this: var Current:TImage; begin ActiveDrag.Remove(Sender); if (Current is TImage) then Curren...
Tags: image Object pointers
2024-03-14 21:30:06
If int const * is a pointer to a constant integer,… int const * is not a pointer to a constant integer. It is a pointer to an int for which the int type is qualified with const. const is a misnomer....
Tags: c# pointers constants


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