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Questions (17)
2024-03-09 23:00:14
The main difference from what I see is that you are using a Simple Moving Average for the avg_up and avg_down variables. TradingView uses a modified Exponential Moving Average called Relative Moving A...
2024-03-10 16:30:04
Calling a boxed closure, does not require unstable. To call it, you simply use the standard calling syntax (i.e. a call expression) to call it. Boxed or not. It doesn't matter whether you have Fn() or...
Tags: pointers rust closures
2024-03-10 18:30:08
I am not familiar with bytemuck's internals, but I would guess this is a soundness requirement, as bytemuck certainly works with unsafe code to perform bit fiddling. The actual specification of the Co...
Tags: rust
2024-03-11 05:00:09
tl;dr: You could subtract 36 Months instead. The result will be Feb 28th. The result will be clamped to valid days in the resulting month, see checked_add_months for details. now - Months::new(3 * 1...
Tags: date datetime rust
2024-03-12 00:00:06
You're almost there. Your problem right now is that you're trying to get a generic F: impl Fn(). You can just not write that, since you can't have a default over every generic type. So just impl Defau...
Tags: rust
2024-03-12 11:30:04
Only const values can be compared, and there is no way to transform a non-const variable into const. However, a guard expression can be used. match p.x { v if p.x == q.x => println!("p and q have...
Tags: rust
2024-03-12 19:30:05
In Rust a trait can only be implemented for a type, not for individual variants of an enum, so unfortunately, Option::::None may not be Clone if T is not. Possible workarounds: Your original solution...
Tags: rust
2024-03-13 21:00:10
step_by(2) works under the assumption of an iterator that strictly alternates even and odd numbers, but also starts with an even number. That's true for a Range that starts with an even number, but no...
Tags: rust iterator
2024-03-15 03:00:10
:p is the specifier to print pointer address: fn main() { let x = 2; let y = &x; println!("Value of x: {}", x); println!("Address of x: {:p}", &x); println!("Address of y: {:p}",...
Tags: rust
2024-03-15 03:00:12
You can simply multiply all your numbers by 100 before dividing them. let data: Vec = vec![3, 4, 1, 2]; let total_maturity: u64 = data.iter().sum(); let percentages: Vec = data .iter() .map(|...
Tags: rust percentage


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