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Questions (18)
2024-03-15 22:30:09
You need to install Java 11 and set it as the version run for the Gradle build. I would just set it to the global default, or possibly version 17. Check out https://sdkman.io/ to manage multiple Java...
Tags: swift xcode kotlin
2024-03-16 00:30:06
The error is pointing out that the API returns an array of Plant, i.e. [Plant], so change the method signature accordingly: func fetchPlantsFromAPI() async throws -> [Plant] {…} Then change the @Stat...
Tags: swift swiftui
2024-03-16 04:00:08
To solve this with a @Query you first need to update your models by fully defining the relationship between them. Add a reference to TaskItems in Item, the property needs to be optional since the oth...
Tags: swift swiftui swift-data
2024-03-16 05:00:09
You might need to pass ContentView in preview: #Preview { ContentView() }
Tags: swift swiftui
2024-03-16 16:30:05
Edit the react-native/ReactCommon/yoga/yoga/Yoga.cpp file to fix the issue with the incorrect operator used. Replace the bitwise '|' operator with the logical '||' operator. Yoga.cpp issue with Xcod...
Tags: ios swift xcode
2024-03-16 21:00:07
You can use a FocusState to track which button is currently selected by keyboard navigation. Using this, you can write a custom ButtonStyle that creates your custom focus effect when the button is foc...
Tags: swift macos swiftui
2024-03-17 02:30:04
You can pass a String.Comparator to sort: bez.sorted(using: String.Comparator( options: .caseInsensitive/*, locale: Locale(identifier: "de")*/ )) Without the locale: argument, this already sorts...
Tags: arrays swift sorting
2024-03-17 14:30:05
func removeDuplicateSequences(from array: [String]) -> [String] { var result = array var indicesToRemove = Set() // Check for every sequence of three elements in the array for i in 0....
Tags: arrays swift


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