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Questions (4)
2024-03-10 21:00:07
That behavior is documented and you observing the functionality as it is intended. canvas.coords(item) will return where the item currently is. canvas.moveto(item, *coord_list) will place the item so...
Tags: python tkinter
2024-03-15 22:30:08
Your loop in Play.move_invaders() can tell each invader to move, except that any invader that moves beyond the limit left or right will cause all invaders to move down, and that switches the direction...
Tags: python tkinter
2024-03-16 01:00:06
This expression creates a new Thread object, and then it creates and returns a new functional object whose __call__ method starts the new thread: threading.Thread(target=on_click).start You can call...
2024-03-16 02:00:10
The error message means exactly what it says. list_items is not a list and it's not a string, it's a StringVar. You can't do for item in list_items because a StringVar isn't something that supports i...


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