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2024-03-10 18:30:06
What you are looking for in this case is CSS. Blazor is mainly a programing framework running on web assambly that mostly replaces javascript (javascript interop is still needed for some functions). Y...
Tags: c# razor blazor
2024-03-10 19:30:04
and I'd like my program to recognize options like '-' or '--' for execution. I wonder how do programmers typically implement this? Programmers have two ways: write the option parser themselves use...
Tags: c#
2024-03-10 22:00:05
Simply wrap a conditional around the code that overrides the images, checking whether the first image was set. If so, do the overriding. Ignore it if not. // POST: Admin/Products/Edit/5 // To protect...
2024-03-11 01:30:08
Any time you allocate a contiguous block of memory >= 85,000 bytes in size, it goes into the large object heap. Unlike the regular heap it isn't compactified unless you do so manually[1] so it can gro...
2024-03-11 03:30:04
If you need to map strings to objects, you can use a Dictionary or similar data structure. Here’s an example: Dictionary dict = new Dictionary(); dict["ClassLibrary.Properties.Settings.Default.Settin...
Tags: c# wpf
2024-03-11 05:00:06
The 100% safe, fully generalized approach uses snprintf, twice. The first call passes NULL as the buffer to write to, and a bufsz of 0, and it doesn't actually format anything, but returns the amount...
Tags: c# string gcc
2024-03-11 05:30:08
Try following using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Linq; namespace ConsoleApp10 { class Program { s...
Tags: c# xml linq-to-xml
2024-03-11 09:00:07
The problem is that you have a self-referencing foreign key, which is preventing you deleting this row because there are child rows dependent on it. The UPDATE statement isn't helping as that will onl...
Tags: c# sql sql-server
2024-03-11 14:30:06
Is there any way to choose the color and then shoes size? Because my code when I chose the color and then select the size its change to different products. Does my database design is wrong. Yeah the...
2024-03-11 21:30:06
My question is whether the transient instances created and stored inside the factory will begin acting like a singleton? Yes, effectively. Is this a good coding approach? Arguably - no. It can be...


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