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Questions (3)
2024-03-10 18:00:04
You may try: =let( data,A3:C5, task,"test", weekinfo,2, countif(choosecols(data,weekinfo),task)) OR with a slight modification to your formula =LET( SA,A3:A5, SB,B3:B5, SC,C3:C5...
2024-03-11 13:00:05
Use REDUCE to iterate A2:A3 and get the references OFFSET to get the corresponding name, INDIRECT to get the corresponding range from the given reference, IF/SEQUENCE to create duplicate names accord...
2024-03-17 21:30:06
Assuming: Sheet 1→Column_A has the Sheet_IDs you wish to import from tab Sheet 1→A:C columns from all target Sheet_IDs =reduce(tocol(,1),tocol(Sheet1!A:A,1),lambda(a,c,vstack(a,let(Σ,importrange(c,"...


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