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Questions (13)
2024-03-10 18:00:04
You may try: =let( data,A3:C5, task,"test", weekinfo,2, countif(choosecols(data,weekinfo),task)) OR with a slight modification to your formula =LET( SA,A3:A5, SB,B3:B5, SC,C3:C5...
2024-03-11 05:00:10
Assuming the statements are in the same order in all the sheets, like in the provided example, you can use: =BYROW({'Person 1'!A2:A11\'Person 2'!A2:A11\'Person 3'!A2:A11};LAMBDA(r;IF(AND(r);r)))
2024-03-11 13:00:05
Use REDUCE to iterate A2:A3 and get the references OFFSET to get the corresponding name, INDIRECT to get the corresponding range from the given reference, IF/SEQUENCE to create duplicate names accord...
2024-03-13 10:30:06
Fix the Regular Expression Used The error was on the second part of the formula. Apparently, the pattern used in the Like in the QUERY() is not an applicable regular expression for the REGEXMATCH() fu...
2024-03-13 11:00:04
You can use the INDIRECT function. =INDIRECT("Datas!A"&B1) Or INDEX =INDEX(Datas!A:A,B1)
2024-03-13 15:30:10
Here's one approach you may test out: =let(Λ;split(substitute(A3;"-";"`");","); join(",";tocol(map(Λ;lambda(Σ;if(regexmatch(Σ&"";"`");let(Δ;split(Σ;"`");x;index(Δ;;1);y;index(Δ;;2);sequence(y-x+1;1;...
Tags: regex google-sheets
2024-03-14 09:00:07
In your situation, as a simple modification, how about converting the sheet to CSV data using an endpoint? When this is reflected in your showing script, it becomes as follows. Please modify your func...
2024-03-15 00:00:09
You may try: =index(xlookup(A2:A,D:D,E:E,)) Adjust the formula ranges as per your sheet
2024-03-15 01:00:09
You can simply add an IFERROR inside the SUMPRODUCT =SUMPRODUCT(IFERROR($C$9:$E$56*($A$9:$A$56=C$1)*($B$9:$B$56=$B2))) You could also do it with a single formula in C2 using the MAP function (see tab...
2024-03-15 19:00:08
You may try this in Cell_N1 (screenshot should help): =arrayformula(if(C:C="Valid","OK",))


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