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2024-03-12 11:30:06
I rewrite the code as follows library(tidyverse) library(openxlsx) list_data% pull(District) %>% lapply(function(x) { sub_list % mutate(subsheet = y) %>% relocate(subsheet) %>...
Tags: r dataframe list
2024-03-12 20:30:07
This is a small update of your code: var allModels = Models() .SelectMany(item => item.ModelName.Select(model => $"({model},{item.ModelID})")); then print models : foreach(var model in allModels)...
Tags: c# list
2024-03-12 20:30:11
A better aproach would be to directly loop through the ellement of mylist as: mynewlist = [] for image in mylist: mynewlist.append(image[1][0]) This makes your code more readible. And n...
Tags: python list matrix
2024-03-13 20:30:08
In Jetpack Compose, you should not store any state outside of Composables or ViewModels. So the way you defined your object DataSource is not a good practice. You should instead store your list in a C...
Tags: android list kotlin
2024-03-14 21:00:08
We can split on the names of L, then use bind_cols: library(dplyr) split(L, names(L)) |> lapply(bind_cols) # $A # # A tibble: 5 × 3 # alpha beta gamma # # 1 1 2 3 # 2 2 3...
Tags: r list tibble
2024-03-15 08:00:08
If the name of the data frame in each list is called "df" then you can extract those elements and row bind them like so: library(purrr) map(mlst, "df") |> list_rbind() In base R you can do somethi...
Tags: r list
2024-03-15 13:00:06
In last lines you can do like: values1 = [-10, 100, 300] fix_numbers_1 = fixNumbers(values1) print(fix_numbers_1) Full code below: def fixNumbers(list): newList = [] for i in list: i...
Tags: python list return
2024-03-15 21:30:07
Taking the advise from another answer: enter link description here. I would rewrite your code as follows: class Patient: def __init__(self, pat_id: int): self.pat_id : int = pat_id...
Tags: python list Class
2024-03-17 17:30:04
You do not need to convert user input to a list as you can just iterate over the string as follows: user_input = 'st' app_locate = { 's' : r'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe', 'd' : r'C...
Tags: python string list
2024-03-17 19:30:05
If the question is how to get the path given the contents of a cell then using rrapply from the package of the same name library(rrapply) ix
Tags: r list purrr


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