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Questions (22)
2024-03-10 10:00:05
Sure, look at character classes. The simplest way is to use "/d+" which is the same as "[0-9]+" followed by the literal "
Tags: Javascript regex
2024-03-10 13:30:04
Your pattern is almost fine, it can be simplified: $string = @' whatever -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- DANBgkqhkiG9w0BFQEFAASCBKkwggSlAgEA DANBgkqhkiG9w0BFQEFAASCBKkwggSlAgEA DANBgkqhkiG9w0BFQEFAASCBKkw...
Tags: regex powershell
2024-03-11 22:00:12
The first two words are not preceded by a comma where as the last two words are not followed by a comma. Therefore, we have to distinguish 2 cases separated by OR (regex |): \w+\s+\w+(?=,)|(? Hello S...
Tags: c# regex
2024-03-12 04:00:06
You can do it by using precompiled Pattern and Matcher, or by substring without regex. import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.Matcher; public class Main { public static void main(...
Tags: java regex sonarqube
2024-03-12 06:30:05
Your regexp has the following constraints on words: ^(?![aeiou]{3,}) - Can't begin with 3 or more consecutive vowels (?![^aeiou]{4,} - Can't have 4 or more consecutive consonants in the middle (?![ae...
Tags: PHP regex quantifiers
2024-03-12 07:00:05
Your regexp has the following constraints on words: ^(?![aeiou]{3,}) - Can't begin with 3 or more consecutive vowels (?![^aeiou]{4,} - Can't have 4 or more consecutive consonants in the middle (?![ae...
Tags: PHP regex quantifiers
2024-03-12 07:00:06
The Hindi codepoints are actually matched, but rendered on screen as UTF-8 hexcodes: >>> "१२४".encode("utf-8") b'\xe0\xa5\xa7\xe0\xa5\xa8\xe0\xa5\xaa' According to the pcr2test spec: When pcre2test...
Tags: python regex pcre
2024-03-12 13:30:05
I believe flutter is Dart, which uses JavaScript regex specification, yes? Use capture groups in this way: boundary=("?)(.*)(\1) Group 1 will capture a quote if there is one. Group 2 will capture you...
Tags: regex Flutter
2024-03-12 18:00:06
You can't do this: unless counter you want to use is already a part of machine's name (or any other label) you cannot achieve described goal. Prometheus' relabel_config can only use labels of the targ...
Tags: regex label prometheus
2024-03-13 15:30:10
Here's one approach you may test out: =let(Λ;split(substitute(A3;"-";"`");","); join(",";tocol(map(Λ;lambda(Σ;if(regexmatch(Σ&"";"`");let(Δ;split(Σ;"`");x;index(Δ;;1);y;index(Δ;;2);sequence(y-x+1;1;...
Tags: regex google-sheets


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